The New York Review of Architecture, Issue No. 26, Union Fever
Contributors: Dan Roche, Kate Wagner, Nicolas Kemper, Antonio Pacheco, Rio Morales, Elisa Iturbe, Jess Myers, Phillip Denny
Poster: Lyonel Feininger (1871-1956), Cathedral for Program of the State Bauhaus in Weimar (Program des Staatlichen Bauhauses in Weimar), 1919.
Cover and throughout: Drawings by Angela Sun
Editors: Alex Klimoski, Phillip Denny, Carolyn Bailey and Nicolas Kemper
Guest Designer: Freer Studio
Design Direction: Laura Coombs
Typeface: HB Margin NYRA by Berton Hasebe
Skyline Editors: Marianela D'Aprile, Anna Talley, Anna Gibertini, Tiffany Xu
Copy Editor: Don Armstrong
Edition of 1,000